Mill Creek MetroParks is soliciting public comment for an upcoming improvement project. Named after the former Idora Park, the Idora Bridge is located on East Park Drive approximately 0.25 miles north of U.S. Route 62 (Canfield Road) in the Mill Creek Park Historic District. The proposed bridge rehabilitation project includes cleaning the existing stone gravity abutments, wing walls and retaining walls, replacement (in-kind) of timber bridge railing, extending the existing concrete bridge sidewalk, timber posts and railing for approximately fifty feet, replacement of displaced concrete curb, installation of one catch basin and headwall, resurfacing the bridge deck and approach pavement, and other miscellaneous construction related items.
The transportation improvement is scheduled for construction in the summer 2018. The estimated construction cost is approximately $250,000.00 with 80% of the project being funded through a Federal Highway Administration Surface Transportation Program grant. During project construction, the Idora Bridge will remain open to pedestrian and bicycle traffic at all times, but will be closed to all vehicular traffic for a maximum of 45 days. A detour route will be provided for vehicular traffic. Construction, lane restriction, bridge closure and detour information will be posted at the Idora Bridge, along East Park Drive and on the Mill Creek MetroParks website ( prior to the start of construction. Access to parking for Lanterman’s Mill and all other Mill Creek Park facilities will be maintained at all times during project construction.
The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable Federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried-out by ODOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated December 11, 2015, and executed by FHWA and ODOT. The proposed project will not impact any cultural resources, suspect hazardous waste sites or ecological resources. The project will not result in substantial impacts to the environment either individually or cumulatively. In compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (codified as 36 CFR 800), Mill Creek MetroParks requests information regarding the presence of any known cultural resources in the vicinity of the project. Cultural resources include prehistoric and historic archaeological sites, historic bridges, historic buildings, sites and districts.
To ensure the proposed project is viable and successful, Mill Creek MetroParks is seeking comments from the public about the social, environmental, and economic impacts of this proposed project. Environmental impacts include those involving archeological, architectural and ecological resources, regulated materials and the general location of the project. Any comments you may have regarding the environmental and/or the proposed project may be submitted by February 5, 2018.
All public comments, questions and/or concerns about the project are welcomed, and should be directed to:
Mill Creek MetroParks
Re: Andrew Steingass, Park Planner
P.O. Box 596
Canfield, OH 44406-0596
Phone: 330.702.3000
Fax: 330.702.3010