
Mill Creek MetroParks Trail Closure

The Shields Road entrance to the East Golf Hike/Bike Trail in Mill Creek MetroParks will be closed on Thursday, July 31 for pipe replacement. A small portion of the Trail itself will also be closed near the Shields Road entrance.

For more information about Mill Creek MetroParks, visit our website at

Live! at the Morley with JD Eicher & the Goodnights

Blog Author: Ellie Rafoth, Community Engagement Intern

image001This week during Mill Creek MetroParks’ summer concert series, JD Eicher & the Goodnights will be playing Live! at the Morley!

Getting ready for the performance, I had the opportunity to speak with JD Eicher and get some background about the group.

ER: How did JD Eicher & the Goodnights come about and what is the makeup of the group?

JE: I started performing original material as a solo act at Westminster College in New Wilmington, PA. After a couple years, JD Eicher & the Goodnights was formed with the goal of building a fuller sound around the music. Founded circa 2007, the band is Jim Merhaut (bass/backing vocals), Ben Portz (keys/backing vocals), Dylan Kollat (drums/percussion), and JD Eicher (vocals/guitar), though there have been lineup changes over the years. Members currently reside in the Youngstown and Pittsburgh areas.

ER: What type of music does JD Eicher & the Goodnights play?

JE: We play a mix of original music and popular covers by acts like Tom Petty, Coldplay, Tracy Chapman, and more. Our goal is to create meaningful, listenable music, along with dynamic live performances.

ER: Besides Live! at the Morley, where can we expect to see JD Eicher & the Goodnights?

JE: Shows span across the eastern half of the country, though throughout the summer we’ll be staying primarily in Ohio and PA, performing at festivals, venues, and music series. Please take a look at our shows listing at for shows near you! More Youngstown area dates are currently up on the calendar.

ER: Any closing thoughts about playing in the MetroParks’ summer concert series, Live! at the Morley?

JE: We’re very grateful for the chance to perform for the series. It’s a beautiful setting, and we’re excited about having the opportunity to play a free, all ages concert of this scale in the hometown area! For more information, people can visit We also have three records available on iTunes and at concerts.

For a complete list of concerts during the MetroParks’ summer concert series, Live! at the Morley, visit

Grab some friends and head down to the Judge Morley Pavilion on Wednesday, July 30 at 7 p.m. to hear the hometown melodies of JD Eicher & the Goodnights! We hope to see you there!