Please have your Certificate of Liability Form ready to be attached before beginning the application process. Submissions without this form will be rejected.


Please review Section 1: Facility Amenities and Fees. It is required for Section 1 to be acknowledged, signed and dated before moving on to Section 2.


Section 2: Road Races and Marathons Application. Don’t leave fields blank. Please type, “N/A” or “Not Applicable” for questions that do not apply.


Section 3: Release of Liability and Indemnification for Damages. Don’t leave fields blank. Please type, “N/A” or “Not Applicable” for questions that do not apply.


Please attach the Certificate of Liability Form from your insurance company in Section 4: Certificate of Liability Form. Submissions without this form attached will be rejected. Please attach the Race Route in Section 5: Race Route.


Submit the form. You will receive confirmation if the form is accepted. Don’t leave fields blank. Please type, “N/A” or “Not Applicable” for questions that do not apply.

Road Races and Marathons Application

Section 1: Facility Amenities and Fees

The following race fees were developed after extensive review and consideration of how the road race and marathon community currently operates. Course fees and a participant fee are a normal occurrence and are required to offset the expense incurred by the MetroParks in maintaining the facilities utilized during the season as well as to offset the lost revenue due to inability to rent various facilities on the days of the races.



Facility Amenities

  • A dedicated, closed road course, Hike & Bike Trail, Bikeway and/or primitive trail layout(s) through the MetroParks
  • Multiple, accessible spectator viewing or parking areas
  • Accessibility of restroom and comfort stations along the Race Course
  • Ability for Race Host to raise funds by charging a participation/registration fee (prior Mill Creek MetroParks Board approval is required)


Race Fees

Race Fee:
 $1,500.00 per day
 Race Deposit:  $250.00

1. Race deposit is applied to final Race Fee and refundable if Race is cancelled prior to 30 days before scheduled date.
2. Race deposit balance is due the day of the race, prior to the start of the race.


Participant Fees

 0 - 100 Participants  $2.50 Per Participant
 101 - 200 Participants  $2.25 Per Participant
 201 - 300 Participants  $2.00 Per Participant
 301 - 400 Participants  $1.75 Per Participant
 401 - 500 Participants  $1.50 Per Participant
 500+ Participants  $1.25 Per Participant

1. Participant Fees are due within 15 days after the date of the race. A 10% late fee will be added to all balances received after the 15th day.


Additional Service Fees

 Port A Pot Rental  $150.00 Per Unit, Per Day
 Food Vendor  $75.00 Per Unit, Per Day

1.One (1) Port a pot is required for every 50 participants over the 100 participant level, if the Race Course does not include access to existing facilities as determined by the MetroParks.
The fee for port a pots is due the day of the event and to be made payable to Mill Creek MetroParks.



The form will not submit if the box below is not checked.


Section 2: Road Races and Marathons Application

*Mill Creek MetroParks has a fee per participant, so be as accurate as possible and refer to the fee schedule in Section 1. A participant count is required to be taken by the renter at the end of the event for billing purposes.


Does the Event Require a Road or Facility to be Closed?
Will There Be Sales of Any Merchandise?


*No sales will be permitted without approval.

* Merchandise vendors require separate applications and fees. Contact information must be included above for any merchandise vendors.

*A member of the Mill Creek MetroParks Recreation Staff will contact these vendors to obtain proper information and documentation in order to be submitted and approved for the event.

Is This a 501(c)(3) Organization, Charitable, Non-Profit, or Government Organization?
Please read the following terms and conditions carefully. The form will not submit if the box below is not checked.

All Road Races and Marathon Requests Require Mill Creek MetroParks Board Approval.

  • This form, along with the Release of Liability form, the $250.00 deposit, and any other forms pertaining to your event such as vendor applications, should be submitted no later than 45 days prior to the event/activity to guarantee timely processing of this request if Board action is required. If Board action is not required due to already receiving permission with a prior event, this form should be submitted no later than 30 days prior to proposed date of event/activity.


Section 3: Release of Liability and Indemnification for Damages

The form will not submit if the box below is not checked.

When the Group or Organization listed above is a corporation, limited liability company, partnership, or other separate legal entity, I represent and warrant that I am authorized to sign this document on behalf of the Group or Organization. When the Group or Organization listed above is an unincorporated association or otherwise does not constitute a separate legal entity, I represent and warrant that I am signing this document on my own behalf intending to be legally bound thereby. In consideration of the approval hereinafter given by the Board of Park Commissioners of the Mill Creek Metropolitan Park District (The “Board”) and/or its duly authorized representative, I, for myself or as the authorized representative of the above-referenced Group or Organization, as the case may be, hereby elect to, and do indemnify, hold harmless and assume all risks for claims heretofore or hereafter arising from the activity listed below on MCMP lands.

I also, for myself or as the authorized representative of the above-referenced Group or Organization, as the case may be, hereby knowingly and voluntarily expressly release the Mill Creek Metropolitan Park District (“MCMP”), the Board, and employees of MCMP from any and all claims arising out of the above listed activity on MCMP lands. Further, I, for myself or as the authorized representative of the above-referenced Group or Organization, as the case may be, agree to indemnify and reimburse MCMP for any damage to MCMP property caused by, resulting from, or arising out of the Activity described above.




Section 4: Certificate of Liability Form

Please attach a copy of your group or organization's Certificate of Liability form.
Forms submitted without the Certificate of Liability form attached will be rejected.


Maximum file size: 18.43MB


Section 5: Race Route

Please attach a copy of your race route.


Maximum file size: 18.43MB