East Park Drive to Temporarily Close for Bridge Improvement Project

A section of East Park Drive in Mill Creek Park will be closing on Tuesday, October 9, 2018, for a bridge improvement project. The project consists of improvements to the Idora Bridge, located on East Park Drive between Canfield Road (State Route 62) and Valley Drive in Mill Creek Park. The project will address bridge, roadway, and roadside components to improve and extend infrastructure function and lifespan, address stormwater drainage issues, improve aesthetics and enhance park user safety. Project improvements include cleaning and waterproofing concrete, cleaning and tuck-pointing stone masonry, removing and replacing concrete walk and curb, installation of compacted aggregate shoulders, asphalt pavement planing, placing intermediate and surface courses of asphalt concrete, replacing wood posts and railing, replacing drainage structures, installing new pavement markings and miscellaneous related items.


The project was awarded to Foust Construction Inc. at a total cost of $193,838.00. The MetroParks successfully applied for a federal Surface Transportation Program grant, administered through Eastgate Regional Council of Governments. The grant will provide up to 80% of the total project cost.


The project should be completed in approximately sixty (60) days. In the event of inclement weather, the work schedule will be delayed and adjusted accordingly. Throughout the project, traffic will be maintained on East Park Drive to the Lanterman’s Mill main parking lot. Mill overflow parking at the Idora parking lot will be maintained for the majority of the project, with periodic closures due to various construction activities.