MetroParks Police Sergeants Graduate from Training Programs
Detective Sergeant Jason Clark, of the Mill Creek MetroParks Police Department graduated from the Law Enforcement Foundation’s Police Executive Leadership College (PELC) on November 16, 2018. He was one of 35 students attending the seventieth session of the college.
PELC is an intensive, three-week leadership-training program for law enforcement executives. It is based on the premise that leadership skills can be learned, and given the opportunity for feedback and practice, that executives can substantially improve their leadership abilities. The program involves 105 class hours over three weeks on 20 topics, 24 required readings, 4 research papers, 5 community interviews, 3 speeches, and 3 team projects. Over 2,000 Ohio law enforcement executives have attended PELC since its beginning in 1988.
Detective Sergeant Clark has served with the Mill Creek MetroParks Police Department for 19 years. His accomplishments during that time have included: Numerous Criminal Cases, Assignment to the Mahoning County Law Enforcement Task Force for 14 years, and numerous community projects such as hooked on fishing. Commenting on the value and importance of PELC, Clark indicated, “The program showed me the value of good leadership and community involvement.”
Sergeant John Novosel, of the Mill Creek MetroParks Police Department graduated from the Law Enforcement Foundation’s Supervisor Training and Education Program (STEP) on November 14, 2018. Sergeant Novosel was one of 34 students attending the twentieth session of the program.
STEP is designed to develop new supervisors, into highly effective first line supervisors with the competency skills necessary to lead and supervise in a high performance organization. The current STEP curriculum is comprised of nineteen modules including: transition to supervisor, leadership strategies, creating an ethical environment, developing subordinates, mentoring, dealing with problematic employees, effective listening and speaking, improved written communication, administrative skills, performance management, conflict management, critical incident management through table top exercise, supervisory response to line of duty shooting and patrol operations, supervisory response to vehicle and foot pursuits, supervisory response to domestic violence calls, media relations, risk management, capstone case studies, team presentations, panel presentations on contemporary issues, and a First Line Supervisor 360 assessment. Over 500 Ohio law enforcement first-line supervisors have attended STEP since its beginning in 2004.