Mill Creek MetroParks East Cohasset Improvement Project to begin in Early August
Mill Creek MetroParks is expected to begin the East Cohasset Improvement Project in early August 2017 with a completion date by the end of October. The East Cohasset Bike & Hike Trail in Mill Creek Park (the northerly 1.07 miles of trail, from the Ottawa Entrance to Old Furnace Road) will be closed for public use during construction. The work will consist of various improvements which will improve stormwater drainage and surfacing of the trail, including replacement of drainage pipe and structures, cleaning & repointing stone retaining walls and installation of new asphalt pavement. The MetroParks secured a federal Transportation Alternatives Program grant for the project which will supply 80% of the construction cost.
In the event of inclement weather, the work schedule will be delayed and adjusted accordingly.