Mill Creek MetroParks Partners to bring New Recreational Opportunity to Wick Recreation Area

Mill Creek MetroParks is partnering with the Youngstown Phantoms Hockey Team of the United States Hockey League (USHL) and the Pittsburgh Penguins Foundation to renovate the former ice skating rink at Wick Recreation Area into a street hockey rink, also known as Dek Hockey. The goal is to provide an additional 4-season form of recreation for both youths & adults. “Partnerships like these are going to allow us to increase recreational opportunities to our park visitors. This opportunity give us the ability to link past history of the former ice rink to a new form of recreation that is growing in popularity,” says Aaron Young, Mill Creek MetroParks Executive Director.


Dek Hockey is a variation of the sport of ice hockey where the game is played outdoors on foot, or with inline skates using a ball. The project comes 15 years after the closing of the original skating rink in 2002. February 2018 marks the 50th anniversary of the original opening of the ice skating rink at Wick Recreation Area.