Portion of Mill Creek Bike Trail detour expected to open next week
With the arrival of spring, many in the Valley are looking for a way to get out and enjoy warmer temperatures.
For bicyclists in the area that have missed the fourteen-and-a-half mile ride along the entirety of the Mill Creek MetroParks Bike Trail, you’ll likely be in luck soon.
MetroParks officials say the bike trail is anticipated to open a detour near the Kirk Road Trailhead sometime next week.
The trail has been closed between Kirk Road and Herbert Road since July 2018.
According to park officials, the Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission was working to replace the turnpike bridges over the Bikeway.
OTIC replaced the bridges with a large concrete arch culvert, thus creating a tunnel for the bikeway under the turnpike.
Officials say contractors were out Thursday paving a portion of the new detour.
Following the paving, crews have some final touches to put in, including fencing, barrier walls, and other safety features.
Park officials say the official date of the opening of the new detour will depend upon the weather and when the crews can wrap up the final measures.
During the closure, other sections of the bike trail have remained open, including from Western Reserve Road to Herbert Road, and from Kirk Road north into Niles. However, cyclists have not been able to travel the full length of the trail.
The actual trailhead under the turnpike is expected to be completed and reopened at the end of 2019.
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