
Mill Creek making improvements to Canfield bikeway

A two-mile section of the MetroParks Bikeway in Canfield will be temporarily closed, starting next week.

Starting August 10, the bikeway will be closed to all traffic for about a week from State Route 446 to Herbert Road.

Bikeway spur trails at MetroParks Farm, Canfield High School and the Preserve neighborhood will also be closed during this time.

Crews will be working to repair cracks, excavate uneven pavement and install new asphalt.

Inclement weather conditions could delay the project.

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Portion of Mill Creek Bikeway in Canfield to close for improvement project

A two-mile section of the Mill Creek MetroParks Bikeway is scheduled to temporarily close for a pavement repair and asphalt resurfacing project.

Beginning Monday, August 10, the section of Bikeway in Canfield Township between SR 446 and Herbert Road will be closed to all traffic.

Additionally, bikeway spur trails at the MetroParks Farm, Canfield High School, and Preserve neighborhood will be closed throughout the project.

While the project is anticipated to be completed within approximately one week, scheduling may be adjusted if inclement weather delays the start or completion of the project.

The project is designed to address poor pavement conditions by repairing cracks, planing and excavating uneven pavement, and installing a new course of asphalt pavement.

Access to the Bikeway from SR 446, Lisbon Road (Rte. 62), Railroad Street, Main Street (US 224), Herbert Road, and the spur trails at the MetroParks Farm, Canfield High School, and Preserve neighborhood, will be prohibited during the project.

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MetroParks Bikeway to Close for Improvement Project

A two-mile section of the MetroParks Bikeway is scheduled to temporarily close for a pavement repair and asphalt resurfacing project. Beginning Monday, August 10, the section of Bikeway in Canfield Township between SR 446 and Herbert Road will be closed to all traffic. Additionally, bikeway spur trails at the MetroParks Farm, Canfield High School, and Preserve neighborhood will be closed throughout the project.  While the project is anticipated to be completed within approximately one week, scheduling may be adjusted if inclement weather delays the start or completion of the project.

The project is designed to address poor pavement conditions by repairing cracks, planing and excavating uneven pavement, and installing a new course of asphalt pavement.

Access to the Bikeway from SR 446, Lisbon Road (Rte. 62), Railroad Street, Main Street (US 224), Herbert Road, and the spur trails at the MetroParks Farm, Canfield High School, and Preserve neighborhood, will be prohibited during the project .